Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño

Designers: Becher Lucas Thomas - Bossio Marianela Maylen - Foutel Rocio Maylen 

CourseArquitectura 6A - Taller Mediterraneo
Professor: Benavidez, Martín 
Full Professor: Cohen, Alejandro

6th year of Architecture studies - 2022
The thesis 'Stratified City' addresses the challenges of urban expansion and housing shortages in the city of Córdoba. The proposal aims to increase the population density of consolidated areas by reusing the existing infrastructure in the city center.
The project focuses on the Mercado Norte district, identified for its commercial and supply character, leading to a high demand for private parking spaces. The proposal suggests utilizing underutilized parking lots to increase parking capacity and densify the area with housing and other mixed-use facilities.
Normative improvements are proposed to encourage mixed-use development and social cohesion, along with sustainability measures such as the implementation of green roofs. The project aims to experience the city at different levels, introducing strata that include active public spaces, recreational areas, ecological infrastructure, and increased housing density
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